As detailed in Atlas Authorization Model, Apache Atlas supports a pluggable authorization model. Simple authorizer is the default authorizer implementation included in Apache Atlas. Simple authorizer uses policies defined in a JSON file. This document provides details of steps to configure Apache Atlas to use the simple authorizer and details of the JSON file format containing authorization policies.
To configure Apache Atlas to use simple authorizer, include the following properties in config file:
atlas.authorizer.impl=simple atlas.authorizer.simple.authz.policy.file=/etc/atlas/conf/atlas-simple-authz-policy.json
Please note that if the policy file location specified is not an absolute path, the file will be looked up in following paths:
Simple authorizer uses roles to group permissions, which can then be assigned to users and user-groups. Following examples would help to understand the details of the policy file format:
Following policy file defines 3 roles:
Simple authorizer supports Java reg-ex to specify values for privilege/entity-type/entity-id/classification/typeName/typeCategory.
{ "roles": { "ROLE_ADMIN": { "adminPermissions": [ { "privileges": [ ".*" ] } ], "entityPermissions": [ { "privileges": [ ".*" ], "entityTypes": [ ".*" ], "entityIds": [ ".*" ], "classifications": [ ".*" ] } ], "typePermissions": [ { "privileges": [ ".*" ], "typeCategories": [ ".*" ], "typeNames": [ ".*" ] } ] }, "PROD_READ_ONLY" : { "entityPermissions": [ { "privileges": [ "entity-read", "entity-read-classification" ], "entityTypes": [ ".*" ], "entityIds": [ ".*@prod" ], "classifications": [ ".*" ] } } "TEST_ALL_ACCESS" : { "entityPermissions": [ { "privileges": [ ".*" ], "entityTypes": [ ".*" ], "entityIds": [ ".*@test" ], "classifications": [ ".*" ] } } }, "userRoles": { ... }, "groupRoles": { ... } }
Roles defined above can be assigned (granted) to users as shown below:
{ "roles": { ... }, "userRoles": { "admin": [ "ROLE_ADMIN" ], "steward": [ "DATA_STEWARD" ], "user1": [ "PROD_READ_ONLY" ], "user2": [ "TEST_ALL_ACCESS" ], "user3": [ "PROD_READ_ONLY", "TEST_ALL_ACCESS" ], }, "groupRoles": { ... } }
Roles can be assigned (granted) to user-groups as shown below. An user can belong to multiple groups; roles assigned to all groups the user belongs to will be used to authorize the access.
{ "roles": { ... }, "userRoles": { ... }, "groupRoles": { "admins": [ "ROLE_ADMIN" ], "dataStewards": [ "DATA_STEWARD" ], "testUsers": [ "TEST_ALL_ACCESS" ], "prodReadUsers": [ "PROD_READ_ONLY" ] } }