AtlasBaseTypeDef Data Type

Base class that captures common-attributes for all Atlas types.

Abstract Type
AtlasBusinessMetadataDef, AtlasEntityDef, AtlasEnumDef, AtlasStructDef, AtlasRelationshipDef, AtlasClassificationDef
name data type description
category TypeCategory
createTime number
createdBy string
dateFormatter DateFormat
description string
guid string
name string
options map of string
serviceType string
typeVersion string
updateTime number
updatedBy string
version number


This data type is abstract. The example below may be incomplete. More accurate examples can be found in subtypes pages.
  "category" : "ENUM",
  "createTime" : 12345,
  "createdBy" : "...",
  "dateFormatter" : {
    "availableLocales" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "calendar" : 12345,
    "dateInstance" : { },
    "dateTimeInstance" : { },
    "instance" : { },
    "lenient" : true,
    "numberFormat" : {
      "availableLocales" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "currency" : "...",
      "currencyInstance" : { },
      "groupingUsed" : true,
      "instance" : { },
      "integerInstance" : { },
      "maximumFractionDigits" : 12345,
      "maximumIntegerDigits" : 12345,
      "minimumFractionDigits" : 12345,
      "minimumIntegerDigits" : 12345,
      "numberInstance" : { },
      "parseIntegerOnly" : true,
      "percentInstance" : { },
      "roundingMode" : "HALF_DOWN"
    "timeInstance" : { },
    "timeZone" : {
      "DSTSavings" : 12345,
      "ID" : "...",
      "availableIDs" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "default" : { },
      "displayName" : "...",
      "rawOffset" : 12345
  "description" : "...",
  "guid" : "...",
  "name" : "...",
  "options" : {
    "property1" : "...",
    "property2" : "..."
  "serviceType" : "...",
  "typeVersion" : "...",
  "updateTime" : 12345,
  "updatedBy" : "...",
  "version" : 12345