AtlasClassification Data Type

An instance of a classification; it doesn't have an identity, this object exists only when associated with an entity.

name data type description
entityGuid string
entityStatus Status
propagate boolean
removePropagationsOnEntityDelete boolean
validityPeriods array of TimeBoundary
Properties inherited from AtlasStruct
attributes map of object
typeName string


  "entityGuid" : "...",
  "entityStatus" : "ACTIVE",
  "propagate" : true,
  "removePropagationsOnEntityDelete" : true,
  "validityPeriods" : [ {
    "endTime" : "...",
    "startTime" : "...",
    "timeZone" : "..."
  }, {
    "endTime" : "...",
    "startTime" : "...",
    "timeZone" : "..."
  } ],
  "attributes" : {
    "property1" : { },
    "property2" : { }
  "typeName" : "..."